Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Eagle owl on eggs in the stone quarry, again!

Canon 20D, 300mm f4 IS L x 1.4 x 2.0

This year the eagle owl broods the eggs on the same cliff hang as the year 2005. The mother is resting well even if the big stone-colliery is very noisy blow.

Friday, March 09, 2007

The blue eyelids of a Tawny owl chick!!

A family of Tawny owl is living in the park close to the Dome in Lund. The two small chicks can bee seen in daytime and has been very popular to visit. Groups of small pre-school kids and school children can be seen studying the sleeping chicks, very close up. The small chick fall down from time to time and helping hands put them up in the tree again.

I do not know much about birds, but to my surprise the small chicks have very clearly blue eyelids.

You can see more pictures here.