Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back home from Snow Hill

The winter in Antarctica has been hard. The ice situation has not been so difficult since the beginnging of the 1970. Our ice breaker Khlebnikov had difficulties to reach a position close to the Emperor Penguin rockery south of Snow Hill. We had to fly helicopter for more than 30 minutes to reach the rockery. It was placed in a wunderful ice-landscape of infrosen ice-bergs in the winter ice. We spent two days with the penguins, both with wunderful sun shine, but hard winds. The wind corrected temperture was close to -20C. The opportunities to take photos of the life of the rockery was limitless, but time was to short. Ingrid and I ended up with more than 5000 images. We just show one here and hope you will look up our home site ( to see more in a few days.

Emperor chick greet us welcome to the rockery
Canon Eos 1D MarkIII, 17-35mm L 2.8

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Off to Snow Hill and the Emperor Penguin

On the 4th of November Ingrid and I will take off for the other side of the earth. We will visit the Snow Hill island with help of an ice breaker.

When we are back to home we will go the the Scandinavian Photo AB Gallery and hang our best pictures from the visit to the Polar bears at Svalbard, this year. It will be wonderful to have a chance to show, it will be on show between 26th of November to the end on January 2008, what we experienced in th cold north. You can have a sneak view at the exhibition here on the net. It will also be a net presentation of Bob as a photographer at the Scandinavian Photos web site.