My second e-book

The second e-book, in Swedish, about the vaste found in bitumen of the New York streets is published and can be found in the net-book stores.
Have a look here!
Save the trees - read e-books! Nitrogen oxide gas (NOX) has been leaking out from this nitric acid factory
in the small Swedish town Köping for more than 45 years. E-books?
All trees, including the tropical rainforest, on our planet are essential for the life process. One small step on the way to save the environment on earth is to maintain as many trees as possible in the biosphere.
Modern society waste many trees for the production of books and news papers, but new methods for spread of culture and information are available through electronic storage. The distribution of e-books opens a new way of communication and is increasingly becoming more and more popular.
My first e-book, En skola 1959, is now for sale at Swedish net-book stores and more informations can be found here.